We have configured AWS EC2 Connection (Amazon Web Services) in Beacon, have provided all required access keys, the connection testing is succeeded. Have installed/configured AWS for windows powershell.
Now we have executed import to get all inventory from AWS, but it's failing by giving below error,
The 'Get-AWSRegion' command was found in the module 'AWS.Tools.Common', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module AWS.Tools.Common'.
Can you please help me to understand what's this error and how we can fix it.
Thanks in Advance!
Best regards,
Jul 01, 2020 02:52 PM
The following guidance in the message you are receiving is referring to something you can run in a PowerShell window on the beacon server:
For more information, run 'Import-Module AWS.Tools.Common'.
Try doing that as the message has suggested, and see where it takes you.
Jul 01, 2020 08:02 PM
Thanks Chris for your response on this issue! I executed it in powershell and got below message,
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
PS P:\> Import-Module AWS.Tools.Common
WARNING: Multiple variants of AWS Tools for PowerShell (AWSPowerShell, AWSPowerShell.NetCore or AWS.Tools) are
currently installed. Please run 'Get-Module -Name AWSPowerShell,AWSPowerShell.NetCore,AWS.Tools.Common -ListAvailable'
for details. To avoid problems with cmdlet auto-importing, it is suggested to only install one variant.
AWS.Tools is the new modularized version of AWS Tools for PowerShell, compatible with PowerShell Core 6+ and Windows
Powershell 5.1+ (when .NET Framework 4.7.2+ is installed).
AWSPowerShell.NetCore is the monolithic variant that supports all AWS services in a single large module, it is
compatible with PowerShell Core 6+ and Windows Powershell 3+ (when .NET Framework 4.7.2+ is installed).
AWSPowerShell is the legacy module for older systems which are either running Windows PowerShell 2 or cannot be updated
to .NET Framework 4.7.2 (or newer).
PS P:\>
PS P:\> Get-Module -Name AWSPowerShell,AWSPowerShell.NetCore,AWS.Tools.Common -ListAvailable
Directory: C:\Users\s310266\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Binary AWS.Tools.Common {Clear-AWSHistory, Set-AWSHistoryConfiguration, Initialize...
Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Binary AWSPowerShell {Clear-AWSHistory, Set-AWSHistoryConfiguration, Initialize...
I am really very new with powershell so not understanding what steps I need to follow to fix it.
Best regards,
Jul 01, 2020 08:11 PM
If I follow this message correctly, it seems to suggest that you can't have both the AWS.Tools.Common and AWSPowerShell modules installed at the same time.
Given that the AWS.Tools.Common module is installed under the C:\Users\s310266\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules directory that is private to the s310266 user (so wouldn't be available to processes running under other user accounts running on this server), I would suggest deleting that one to see if that resolves the error (or changes the error in some way).
Hopefully the AWSPowerShell module that is installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell will be enough for the FlexNet Manager Suite AWS connector to run, but the import process will give you an error message if it is not enough.
Jul 03, 2020 01:01 AM
Thanks Chris for your help.
The issue got fixed after I deleted AWS.Tools.Common under the C:\Users\s310266\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. The import got completed without any issue.
Now another problem we faced is import/reconciliation completed successfully but no instances got imported into FNMS, in the logs, I could see zero instance imported message. We have configured this connector in our development environment which connects to the AWS Sandbox environment which have around 10 instances configured so expected to get these 10 instances to FNMS.
Please find attached logs and screen shot for your reference.
Best regards,
Jul 09, 2020 11:22 AM
You will see this information by navigating to Discovery and Inventory->Virtual Devices-->Cloud Service Provider Inventory
In order to have these Cloud Instances appear under your Active Inventory view, you must run some type of Discovery Tool to capture the actual Hardware and Software Inventory from this computer, such as with SCCM, BigFix, BMC Discovery, or the FlexNet Manager Agent.
Jul 09, 2020 11:29 AM
I couldn't see any device in the "Discovery and Inventory->Virtual Devices-->Cloud Service Provider Inventory", which is our issue, if import/reconciliation got completed without any error It should be visible there in "Cloud Service Provider Inventory" tab.
I could see in the log zero devices are imported that might be the cause. Please see attachment of logs which I uploaded last message.
My concern is, if import completed successfully and there are some instances in AWS so why devices are not visible in "Cloud Service Provider Inventory" tab and also why it's showing zero devices transferred or imported to FNMP?
Best regards,
Jul 09, 2020 11:59 AM
I recently noticed that with FNMS 2020 R1, the online documentation on the FNMS connector to AWS EC2 has improved considerably.
As Captain Kirk explained, in addition to having the AWS connector configured and working for collecting data from a single Amazon AWS account, you have to collect hardware and software information from each instance running on Amazon AWS. The AWS connector will provide the following additional information for instances only:
On a standalone Beacon (not running on an EC2 instance), you see the data imported from the AWS API and uploaded to the FNMS Inventory Server as ZIP files in the local \ProgramData\Flexera Software\Beacon\IntermediateData\Uploaded folder. The name of the ZIP files is I[S=<AWS-Account-Name]_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
If you look into the XML files contained in the ZIP files, you can see that the properties listed above are extracted for AWS devices only.
Jul 09, 2020 12:00 PM - edited Jul 09, 2020 12:03 PM
Usually this is caused by a lack of permissions on the account if there are definite instances on that account and there are no errors. Please check that you have granted the necessary permissions to the user / role who is collecting data on behalf of the account:
The data collection parts of this script run in PowerShell Runspaces which fail silently.
Jul 16, 2020 01:23 PM
I found the text only documentation a bit hard to follow, especially for the subtle differences between parent and child accounts. A colleague of mine prepared a pictured documentation and asked me to share it, please find it attached.
Edit: Updated attachment, even more pictures
Edit: Attachment updated again
Best regards,
Jul 21, 2020 04:32 AM - edited Jul 22, 2020 06:38 AM
Thanks a lot mfranz for your help and sharing such good document, definitely it would help us to fix our issue related to AWS EC2 connector.
I will update this thread once get fixed out issue. Thanks again for your help.
Best regards,
Jul 21, 2020 11:51 AM