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Level 3

agent.exe crashes with a runtime exception if user has no admin rights

hi all,

i cant believe that this product is so badly designed.
i added the code from the update service docs to automatically check for updates every 15 days on starting my app. I used the sample C++ code shown in the docs, which i call each time i start my apps. i pass the com function, the "APP_START" option.

if i run my exe as a user with admin rights, then everything i fine and the update check goes okay.

if i run as a regular user, the update service starts checking and then throws a runtime exception, when it tries to write the "last checked" option to the .ini database file for update service for my product code.

is there any way around this? have i wasted my money ? i'm going to call my sales guy and ask for a discount.

any help would be appreciated.

the installshield tech support folks have already told me that i have to have admin rights to use update service. what am i going to tell my customers....always run as a user with admin rights?


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(5) Replies
Level 6


Check for admin rights and wait just like the rest of us for an update (a long time, IS!). You can read these threads:

there are a few good routines to check for admin rights available on the web. Just copy and paste.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

or is it only you cannot download and install?

It seems you cannot even check for updates unless you local administrator?

That is just horrible I can see requiring admin rights to install patches but just to see if ones are available? We cannot install our application and expect every client to give local admin to all users?

IS anything coming out to fix this? Please?
0 Kudos
Level 10

There are several limitations with non-admins. We look at the issue in two cases:

1. Install and any updates are done run by an admin. Application is run by a non-admin.

2. Install and application are run by a non-admin.


Looking at case 1: Short term, we want the Update Service to work in this type of environment. At least the user can view available update. Of course, they couldn't install them. But at least they could see the availability.

Why doesn't it work now? The Update Service uses (writes) to a file stored under the InstallShield installation folder. This folder is not normally available to normal users. We are looking at alternatives or workarounds for making this file available to users. This file is causing the crash reported in the community. If you set permissions on this file for users to have access to it, the crash goes away.

Looking at case 2: Case 2 is much more complicated. It is a longer term goal to have the Update Service work in this environment. Of course, your product installs/ updates will have to be able to also run in this type of environment.

> Installation. The Update Service uses COM. As a result, the installation of the Update Service runtime requires access to HKLM. Normally, users don't have access to this area of the registry. The Update Service also installs files into program files/common file directory. Normally, users don't have access to this directory.

> Runtime. As in case 1, the file in the InstallShield installation folder will not be available to the user.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

we will definitely be in case 1 our users will have the application installed by an admin. But they will most likely not be admins. When the appplicatiuon starts it should check for updates and if one is available it should not let the users run the application until the update is installed. I suppose if they are admin then it should download and install if they are not admins then it should give a notice and exit.

BTW does this admin really mean Local Administrator or is "PowerUsers" group good enough?

What is this file that needs permissions? can I set that on install?
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

BTW does this admin really mean Local Administrator or is "PowerUsers" group good enough?

What is this file that needs permissions? can I set that on install?

When do you think a patch for this problem will be available?
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