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Level 4

Update Manager

I use DevStudio ver. 9 and would like to include this new Update Manager from Update Service ver. 3 with my installation package. How can I do it?

I looked into the help files but could not find any information.
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(10) Replies
Level 7

You can download the latest Update Service SDK from the Publisher Website. Login and go to the "Start" page. You will see the link there. If you run this SDK setup on the machine with DevStudio 9, it will update everything so that from that point onwards you will be distributing version 3.0 of the update service (which includes the Update Manager) with all of yout DevStudio 9 projects.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Unfortunately it does. I use Developer 8, updated Update service sdk, its ok that it dumps the .exe in common files with agent, but it puts a Shortcut on Main Start Menu list, which we don't want. We check on startup up and every 7th day in the afternoon, so only want users to know of Umanager if they have to. Going to post in developer area becuase I can't see how to remove shortcut, besides writing a script and calling custom action, but I shouldnt have to go threw that.
0 Kudos
Level 7

ProductManager, are you using a Basic Msi project or an InstallScript Msi project?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Basic MSI Projects
0 Kudos
Level 3

I want to add my voice to this thread.

The Update Manager should definitely be an optional component. There is no way we want to install it with the next update to our software. Our users won't know what to do with it and it will generate streams of support calls. Maybe if it looked a little better we would consider it - but the way updates and messages are reported just looks complex and clubbed together.

InstallShield will need to provide a way to remove this application - or at the very least the application shortcut - otherwise we will need to roll back to the previous Update Service SDK.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Jason: Are you using an InstallShield tool for setup authoring? If so, is it a Windows Installer based product? If so we can remove the shortcut by making a quick change to ISUS.msm.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Chandima I am using InstallShield DevStudio 9 and the installation is a Basic project.

I have opened ISUS.MSM and removed the Shortcut for "Program Updates".

However I have also noticed that since deploying our application with the Update Service 3 merge module it causes Windows 98 computers without an Internet connection to appear to "freeze" on startup. The offender is AGENT.EXE, one of the applications installed with the Update Service merge module. AGENT.EXE needs to be terminated through Ctrl+Alt+Del to regain control of the system. This behaviour did not occur with the previous version of the Update Service SDK.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Update Service 3 merge module it causes Windows 98 computers without an Internet connection to appear to "freeze" on startup

This is very strange and disturbing.

1. What version of Internet Explorer does this windows 98 machine have?
2. When you said "Startup", did you mean when the machine reboots (just want to be sure)?

0 Kudos
Level 3

I'm not in front of it right now, but whatever version of IE ships with Windows 98 SE. We test on a standard Windows 98 SE (and Windows 2000 and XP) system prior to shipping. The issue occurs after reboot when the user logs into Windows.

After further investigation there may not be much that can be done because in our case the issue is caused by proxy settings which have been entered into Internet Options, but the test machines are not part of the domain so the settings cause a login dialog to appear on Windows 2000/XP (no dialog appears on Windows 98 which makes it appear to have frozen). I don't think this is anything that can be done until a really reliable way of detecting an Internet connection is found.

Also by removing the shortcut for the Update Manager on the Start menu from the MSM, will that also stop the Update Manager popping up in the taskbar whenever we ship an update to our software? We already handle this in the software itself and our users are familiar with this and have chosen to allow this - they have not clicked on any option to opt-in with InstallShield and have an InstallShield applet popup in their taskbar and many will be angry with us if we install something that causes this to happen.
0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I feel the same way. I use Devoloper 8, SP 3, and I use the UpdateService. Since I updated the UpdateService to version 3, the UpdateManager shorcut has been appearing in the Start menu of the target machine. I went and deleted the shortcut from the ISUS.MSM file, and it looks like it's fixed, but I don't like that solution.


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