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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Product Code change and Update Service

I new to InstallShield products (still in testing mode) and a bit confused on how things work. I have the following questions:

1. I am creating a set up package with a specific product code. If I create a major upgrade that needs to generate a new product code, how does that work with the update service? Do I post it as new product or new version? Do I keep the original product code in my application source code or change it for every major update?

2. Do I absolutely need to “hardcode” the product code in my application(as the help files sample code) in order to call the update service or is there another way around?

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(2) Replies
Level 7

1. If you are using a major upgrade then you will have to create a new Product for this in the Update Service. A major upgrade usually means when your product goes through some major changes and those changes cannot be applied through a patch.

2. I'm afraid you have to hard code it in to the product setup. Are you using InstallShield Express or DevStudio to create your setup? If you are using Express or a Basic Msi project in DevStudio (formerly known as Developer) then the ProductCode is a GUID that Windows Installer requires to define one product from another. The Update Service uses that same concept to identify one product from another.
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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Thanks 🙂
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