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Level 7

Product Code Question

Hello, I have a question regarding the Product Code when performing a Major Upgrade. Let's say that application A is installed and has a Product Code of A. I have written my own application to utilize the FNC API to process FNC Updates and this is how Product A got installed. Thus, the application that I wrote has Product Code A hard-coded since this is a requirement of FNC for processing notifications.

Now, I am going to perform a Major Upgrade of Product A which dictates that the Product Code will be changed. So my application will work to process notifications of the available Major Upgrade because the upgrade has not yet been applied by my customers. However, after the upgrade has been applied by my customers, let's say application A is now installed with Product Code B.

My question is, will Product Code A still be available on my customer's computers so that my application that I wrote using the FNC API will continue to function, or will Product Code A get updated to Product Code B thus breaking the link between my application and my customers and requiring me to release an update to my application with Product Code B now hard-coded?

Thanks in advance!

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(2) Replies
Not applicable

It would be the latter in this case. There's nothing withing FNC to tie two product codes together in the way you're describing.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks for the information Bryan.
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