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Level 4

Patch uninstall leaving incorrect version

I have a product that installs as version 3.4 and supports the Update Service. After installing the product I can use the InstallShield UpdateService Test Utility and verify that both the Version field is 3.4 and the Installer Version field is 3.4.0.

I author a QuickPatch targeting this installation that replaces a single executable and updates the version number. The QuickPatch Version is set to 3.4.1 and the Update Service Integration version number is set to 3.4.1. This target machine is running MSI 3.0 and I have enabled patch uninstalls in the Build Settings of the QuickPatch project. After installing, when I view the application information in the UpdateService Test Utility both the Version and Installer Version read 3.4.1 as expected. I then remove the patch using Add/Remove programs ("Show Updates" is checked so that the individual update is visible). After the patch uninstall completes I verify that the file has been rolled back successfully. But when I view the application information in the InstallShield UpdateService Test Utility I see my product listed but it appears the have incorrect version information. The Installer Version field is correctly rolled back to 3.4.0 but the Version field is still at 3.4.1

The product installed should be rolled back to its previous state and should be able to detect and download the update again but it is not able to do so because the Version field reads 3.4.1.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem and is there a fix/workaround or am I doing something completely wrong?
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(1) Reply
Level 7

This new functionality of msi 3.0 (ability to uninstall individual patches) will cause the problem you mention. This is because the merge module doesn't run a re-register custom action during the patch uninstall. We're talking to the Windows Installer team to see if there is a way around this.

In the meantime, could you try repairing your setup from Add/Remove programs? Does that re-insert the correct version information?
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