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Level 6

No Internet Connection Message - Update Manager says WinINet not connected

I have a client with numerous workstation , only a few have this problem. Update service says no internet connection.

They obviously do, they can surf and such. Its not a network issue, becuase all machines in office are on same subnet, etc..

I used the update manager, that I downloaded from and on Connectivity Tab the Wininet says installed but under conencted says No. So for some reason Wininet is reported its not on the internet. I have a call in to Support, they are going to get me some details on which fucntions update service uses on Wininet to determine if Internet is present, so once I get that I'll do some furthurre debugging, but wonder if anyone else has had this problem, or knows of any tricks to do to Wininet to get it to do something.

I've checked all connection setting in Tools Options in IE, and nothing in there

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(4) Replies
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I have had the same problem. I even wrote a routine in my code to ping Yahoo! to test for connectivity just prior to testing the Agent's connectivity. Quite often on these trouble computers, the Yahoo! ping returns successful but the Agent returns false to its IsConnected method, so the Agent is saying that the user is not connected to the internet.
0 Kudos
Level 6

In case anyone wanted to know, for future reference and debugging. Update Service uses methods InternetGetConnectedState and RasEnumConnection of Wininet to determine connection state. I just received the info today and I am hopefully going to successfully build some tools/utilities to debug such a problem. If success I'll share with everyone so you can use them if you ever have such a headache, I can't wait to beat this problem.
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Level 5

We just started using the Update Service in a big way this week and have ran into this in a number of our remote installations. I would be very interested to hear any findings you come up with on this....
0 Kudos
Level 6

Posting back so others can benefit.

I DID FIX THE PROBLEM. Since I knew what call the update service was using, InternetGetConnectedState, made a quick utility that shows return code and bitflag, I'm attaching it incase anyone else needs it.

Onthe 6 machines that kept saying not connected, I ran the utility and got 0 and 80. Going off the following from wininet:

#define INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM_BUSY 0x08 /* no longer used */


So on a hunch, I imported the 2 reg files to set there value to 0.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

When I did that I ran my little utility and returned 1 and 18, by getting 1 I knew it was connected now, but to do the hex conversion , 18 was INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN | INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED .

Then did check for updates and now thinks has connection and can do updates.

So I guess wininet settings in registry were hosed or wininet was hosed and needed to reset reg settings. I think windows has a bug with autodial, because I was able to take a good pc, and make it not work anymore, then make it work.

Anyways I fixed the clients with reg import and they can check for updates now.
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