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Level 2

N00b question...

*** Update 11:12am ET ***

OK, I've found the Agent.exe which contains the methods/properties that I think I need.

Now, I'm getting the following error...

"Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object."

I've set Everyone/Full Control" permissions on the Agent.exe itself, the UpdateService folder, and the InstallShield folder and I'm still getting the Access denied error.

Is there a file I'm missing that's not included in these permissions that's preventing me from getting into it?

*** End Update ***

Greetings, all...

Well, I've just been given the task of completing a web-based "Check for updates" feature in one of our products. I even received a "prototype" page that apparently worked at one time (authored about 10 months ago) but it doesn't work at this point.

This page is done in classic ASP. It makes a Server.CreateObject call to the "DWUpdateService.Agent" but I can't seem to find a corresponding .dll anywhere on my system that I can use to actually create this object.

I'm not entirely sure where I'm supposed to be looking for the appropriate .dll and I would certainly appreciate any gentle nudges in the right direction this forum could provide.

Thanks in advance,
Ric Castagna
0 Kudos
(3) Replies
Level 9

Hello Ric,

The resource you're looking for is actually stored in the Update Service agent itself. The path of least resistance would be to grab the client 5.01 SDK from ( and install it on the box. From a test standpoint, you could install the SDK on your local box and create a quick 'n dirty VB app that uses that dll, copy to your server and run it there to test for the existence of it.

0 Kudos
Level 2


Thanks for the gentle nudge towards the SDK. It's a million times more helpful that what I started with this morning.

But, I'm still more than a bit confused.

As I said, what I've been given as a starting point is an ASP page which is supposed to create an instance of the Agent.exe as an object for me to beat up on via the asp code.

In looking at the Update Service help library, I see an entry that troubles me. Under the "Updating Web Applications" topic, it states that the app must support Java Server Pages and that IIS is not currently supported.

My understanding was the code that I've been given was - at one time - working but needed some finishing touches. Have you (Macrovision or InstallShield) changed things so that IIS/ASP is no longer supported?

I'm really not sure where to turn next to make any progress. I would appreciate a little bit more direction...even if it is an answer like "you've got to start over, and here's where to start..."

Thanks again for the help,
Ric Castagna
0 Kudos
Level 9

Hi Ric,

I have to admit that if you want faster responses and perhaps more tailored to your situation, you'll probably want to contact the support folks via eSupport (the link is off the website and also in here a few times.

rcastagna wrote:

In looking at the Update Service help library, I see an entry that troubles me. Under the "Updating Web Applications" topic, it states that the app must support Java Server Pages and that IIS is not currently supported.

That topic involves the use of the dynamically embedded update service (DEUS) on portals and yes it requires jsp pages. In the case of ASP pages, it was never really supported (yes it can be done).

rcastagna wrote:

I'm really not sure where to turn next to make any progress. I would appreciate a little bit more direction...even if it is an answer like "you've got to start over, and here's where to start..."

Thanks again for the help,
Ric Castagna

Your best bet for accomplishing this is to create a quick vb application for yourself using the code you find in your .ASP page and debugging/fixing it there. Once you have it working, you could then opt to either
A) re-embed that code in the .ASP pages by converting your vb to vbscript, I worked on things like that long ago or
B) build your newly functional vb as an activex control / dll and call out to it from your .asp page. This'll probably be faster for you and help keep your code and web content separated.


PS. As always, the comments are my own.
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