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Does ServiceNow 'technopedia_normalize' user account require 'admin' role for Flexera Normlaize Integration to work with ServiceNow?

Hi There,


Currently there is a Technopedia Normalize integration with ServiceNow in our compnay. The ServiceNow user account used for the integration called 'technopedia_normalize' which was granted 'admin' role. Can this 'admin' role be removed from the service account? If yes, what are the required roles for Technopedia Noramlize integration? Please advise.


Henry Pech

(3) Replies
By Level 5 Flexeran
Level 5 Flexeran
Technopedia Normalize user does not require admin role.

Thank you
Is there a listing of the roles required for the normalize user?

This user does not require admin role.

Just SAM, SOAP, encmsb_admin, and asset and SAM admin, but never just ‘admin’.