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By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Like any online community, we are not immune from having spam posted from time to time in this Flexera Community. We have a zero-tolerance for spam: we will delete illegitimate messages and ban users who post them.

Even the best protection won’t stop all unsolicited messages from being posted and after such a message was recently sent to a small number of our users, we thought it timely to share a few tips on how to remain safe and secure while using Flexera Community.

  1. When in doubt, Report it!: Carefully inspect any links contained in public or private messages posted through the community. If you don't know what it is and have doubts, don't click it! Report it! 


  2. Verify: Treat any unexpected private message from somebody you don’t know with a high level of caution. If a message purports to be from a Flexera team member, view it on the private messages and check the Flexera “X” logo that appears next to their username to verify they are indeed from Flexera. 
  3. No PII: Don’t publicly post any personal identifiable information (PII), confidential, or sensitive information that can be associated with your, or anybody else’s, organization.
  4. Play it safe: Choose a username that doesn’t identify any more about yourself than you are willing to publicly share. (Be assured that details like your actual name, email address, and company are shared only with Flexera. Management of this information is governed by our privacy policy.)

We are constantly on the lookout for abusive messages that may try to defraud Flexera customers and with your help, we can catch abusive messages before they hurt anyone. 


Sr. Community Manager @ Flexera