Organizational Summariesgive users with org-scoped access to policies an improved view of policy information across all accounts in the organization. All operational views of policies, including the Dashboard, provide an "Organization Summary" option in the account selector that rolls up data from across all accounts in the organization. Applied policies are grouped together and can be managed from a single page. To check it out, go to the Dashboard page in Policy Manager.
Policy managers can nowskip pre-defined approval stepsin the action sequence of a policy incident, allowing for policy remediations to be fully automated. When applying a policy, a new option is available called "Skip action approvals" in both the UI and the API.
Google Idle Compute Instanceschecks for idle instances in Google Compute Engine, as defined by CPU and memory average utilization, and optionally terminates the instances after approval.
AWS Idle Compute Instanceschecks for idle instances in AWS, as defined by CPU and memory average utilization, and optionally terminates the instances after approval.