When adding a new note to an existing request we are receiving the attached error. On the front-end it shows the user that there was an unexpected error. The log shows the attached error.
I checked the imported user information for the users experiencing the error and their email is populated correctly.
Any thoughts one what could be causing this?
‎Jul 17, 2020 08:58 AM
Based on the stack trace, it appears that the first thing being called in this method is running the following query against the App Portal DB:
Select UniqueUserName from WD_PackageRequests where RequestID =<requestID>
App Portal then attempts to get the email address for this uniqueUserName from the wd_computer table..
I guess I'd start by running this first query, and then checking to see if the UniqueUserName matches a row in WD_user.. If so, does the user have an email address? I'd expect problems if the UniqueUserName in WD_PackageRequests is an empty string, unknown, or SystemAction.
‎Jul 17, 2020 01:14 PM