Microsoft Edge 85.0.564.51 was just implemented in our environment. I have some users reporting that Edge is opening IE in compatibility mode for them. I think this is due to the web.config having the following:
<add name="X-XSS-Protection" value="1; mode=block" />
<add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />
<add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=9" />
<add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff" />
Do I need to remove value=IE-9 or add Value="Edge" to this file? Looking for guidance on this. We're using DNS right now as the previous version web extensions weren't working in the environment and we have just packaged up version 3.0 of the extensions. I'm also wondering if version 3.0 web extensions will work with 2019 R1 until we upgrade to 2020 R1 in January
Dec 07, 2020 02:39 PM
I finally got back to this one after the holidays. After looking at the extensions and working with David we were able to determine the extensions are now in the store and we need to set the GPO policies with:
Chrome: omfdapccbikpkiheohohbohhglmijeeb;
Edge: aejhddcfmefciddeneccplpjlnkfmapo;
Jan 19, 2021 05:05 PM
Teri - I don't believe that the entry in web.config could cause edge to launch in IE mode.. It is my understanding that this needs to be done through a group policy, by adding specific sites which should load in IE mode. I've not heard of anybody else reporting this behavior, though I do know a few who are explicitly enabling IE mode, so that they can continue to use the active X control..
You should be able to use the latest web extension, which supports Edge Chromium in 2019R1.. The only change was to the web extension itself, so it should work with older versions of App Portal.
Dec 07, 2020 03:42 PM
Thanks Charles,
The folks who do the GP policies asked me today where the code base is stored for the extensions so they can update the policies. Is it stored locally in esd/downloads/Chrome/Extensions or are is it in the Google and Microsoft stores?
Dec 11, 2020 05:22 PM
I finally got back to this one after the holidays. After looking at the extensions and working with David we were able to determine the extensions are now in the store and we need to set the GPO policies with:
Chrome: omfdapccbikpkiheohohbohhglmijeeb;
Edge: aejhddcfmefciddeneccplpjlnkfmapo;
Jan 19, 2021 05:05 PM