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Catalog Items cost displayed in local currency

I’m looking for help around making use of the currency functionality in App Portal. I’d like to get costs of applications to be reflected in local currency. Our default ISO Currency is AUD. We have not integrated with FNMS.

I ran a test, and set the rate for the Philippines to 2.0, ticked Enabled and saved. Later I asked my team mate who is based in the Philippines to test (she was testing on her local machine). She did not see any difference in item cost or currency symbol when she went to check out an Application Catalog Item which had a cost associated with it. The cost for the item she saw in her ‘Checkout’ – ‘Choose Target’ screen was the same as what I saw in Australia.

How is App Portal determining where a user/machine is? Regional settings in Windows or IP? Is there something else I need to enable to make this work?


(2) Replies

In order to utilize app portal local currency , there are at least two things to setup

1. The app Portal level currency setup  (see more details from online help)

2. The login user, depends on what 'currency' he expects to see, if he is located in US ,his IE browser & OS locale  need be set to US instead of Aus as well


(Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera. If my reply answers a question you have raised, please click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION".)

Thanks Kevin, I had followed that exact page to set up the currency and my tester has told me her setting are set to the local currency. I will check with a user in a different region and see how I go.