We have a customer where in production their App Portal is set up as HTTPS and the SCCM site server is set up as HTTP. When trying to integrate with the ESDWebService on the SCCM server we're getting an error that basically says the web service cannot be reached. We have validated that there is no routing issue over http. The question is, does an HTTPS configured App Portal require that the SCCM site server IIS be configured to accept https traffic? Is it possible explicitly set http for this integration?
Before going to the customer to request a change I was hoping to validate my assumption that HTTPS App portal needs HTTPS ESDWebService.
Feb 19, 2020 09:11 PM
The protocol for the App Portal website and the ESDWebService are independent as you can see here: https://helpnet.flexerasoftware.com/appportal2019r1/default.htm#helplibrary/APR_Settings_Website_Gen.htm. You can have the site protocol configured for https and the web service protocol configured for http. Just make sure you set the web service port to the correct port for the default website on the SCCM server (where the ESDWebService virtual directory gets installed).
Feb 19, 2020 10:57 PM
The protocol for the App Portal website and the ESDWebService are independent as you can see here: https://helpnet.flexerasoftware.com/appportal2019r1/default.htm#helplibrary/APR_Settings_Website_Gen.htm. You can have the site protocol configured for https and the web service protocol configured for http. Just make sure you set the web service port to the correct port for the default website on the SCCM server (where the ESDWebService virtual directory gets installed).
Feb 19, 2020 10:57 PM