This article provides information regarding few properties found in .aacx file
VirtBlockers ,DiscoveredVirtBlockers Status ,AppVPkgCreation ,AppVPackageOptimization
Example properties and their values in .aacx file
Properties Explained
VirtBlockers="<number>" -This value is set by Automated Application Converter application if there is nothing(if VirtBlockers="0") or number of errors identified preventing conversion to AppV using applications internal logic.
DiscoveredVirtBlockers="<number>" - This value is set by the Automated Application Converter application with the help of AdminStudio's internal logic to assess application virtualization compatibility checks.
Status="<number>" - This value is set by Automated Application Converter by using the corresponding values defined internally for UI interpretation based on the final status of the package conversion.
AppVPkgCreation="<number>" - This is the value set by selecting Package Creation property value under 'Microsoft App-V Options(All Versions) in Project Options dialog box which can be opened by navigating to Tools menu.
Value 0 corresponds to ' App-V 4.6 with AdminStudio', value 2 corresponds to 'App-V 5.x with AdminStudio', if there is no mention of this property in the .aacx file means, by default App-V 5.x with Sequencer setting will be used.
AppVPackageOptimization="<number>" - This is the value set by selection Package Optimization property value under 'Microsoft App-V Options (All Versions) in Project Options dialog box which can be opened by navigating to Tools menu.
Value 1 corresponds to Offline. if there is no mention of this property in the. .aacx file means, the Streaming setting will be used by default.
Jul 22, 2019 04:21 AM