I am trying to run this very small and simple VBScript, which works fine outside InstallShield:
PROGRAM_NAME = "SMART Board Software"
set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")
reg_location = "HKLM\Software\CEG\Apps\" & PROGRAM_NAME & "\" & PROGRAM_NAME
reg_value= "Installed by " & currentuser & " on " & Date
ws.RegWrite reg_location, reg_value, "REG_SZ"
I am trying to put it in to Custom Actions as "Stored in Custom Actions". Personaly, I don't care when the script will run, as long as it runs at least once during the installation.
No matter what settings I put in Common, it would not execute, and I am sure of that because I tried to put MsgBox in to the script and it never showed up during installation.
Can anyone help?