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Repackager Snapshot Question

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am new to using Installshield AdminStudio and have been unsuccessful so far in repackaging applications. When using the Snapshot method and using the option to monitor system changes isn't it suppose to take a image of that operatings systems applications? Also once you create a MSI package using the Legacy wizard and install this MSI package on a clean machine shouldn't it install the missing applications. I am not specifying any setup files when using the snapshot method. I have tried reading the training manual to see what I'm doing wrong but I'm more lost than anything. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ryan
(10) Replies
Snapshot method for Repackager works like this:

1. Takes a snapshot of the operating system before installing the application that has to be Repackaged.

2. Installs the actual application that should be repackaged.

3. Takes the snapshot again after installing the appication.

Repackager then creates a differential image of the two snapshots taken. The data in diff image essentially consists of the changes made by the application installed. Repackager then converts the diff image to an msi package.

If you have more questions, pls. let me know.

Rajesh Tammana
InstallShield Software Corporation
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

To extend Rajesh's comments, the AdminStudio QuickStart Guide includes a tutorial of the Reapackaging process.

The help system also includes a major help topic "Repacking Legacy Setups" which walks through the major issues with planning the repackagin process.

Ultimately, you should follow the process from the main panel of the InstallShield Repackager "islc.exe". Once you have run the Repackaging Wizard and accumlulated the data about your installation, the InstallShield Repackager will allow you to build the MSI package, which is your ultimate installable output of the repackaing process.

Allen Saxton
AdminStudio Development
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks Rajesh for the help but after I do the two snapshots the snapshot creates a .OSC file, how do I convert this file into a .MSI package because the Legacy wizard doesn't look for files of this file type. Thanks again for your help.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Your clarifcation of what you are doing offers the beginning of a solution to your problem. OS Snapshots (.OSC) files can not be converted into MSI packages. OS Snapshots are used only by ConflictSolver.

Could you clarify the version of AdminStudio that you are using? Your reference to a Legacy wizard implies that you are using AdminStudio v3.5 and as such, my comments would not be directly applicable in that my comments refer to AdminStudio v5.0.

Allen Saxton
InstallShield Development
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
The version of Admin Studio I'm using is 3.5, sorry about my wording of my problem but I do appreciate the help and advice your offering, its making me understand a little bit better, I just will be happy when I create my first valid windows installer package. So if I can't do anything with the OSC file do I have to start over to create a MSI package?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

There have been a great many enhancements/changes in AdminStudio between version 5.0 and 3.5. I will need to find or otherwise install AdminStudio v3.5 to ensure that what I suggest is completely accurate.

However, you should set aside the OS Snapshot wizard and walk through the Repackaging Wizard. The Repackaging Wizard help should guide you through the options available. The first option is always to find a clean system and if necessary install the stand-alone version of the Repackaging Wizard on the clean system.

Allen Saxton
InstallShield Development
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Allen you mentioned there have been a great many enhancements since 3.5 to 5.0. I was wondering what kind of major enhancements for ex? I am going to upgrade to admin studio 5.0 which I found out my company has a copy of and see if I can get the repackager to work through that version. Is what Rajesh suggested the three steps is how you repackage a application in version 5.0? Thanks for all your help.


I think I see the issue now. Repackager is not like Ghost, you're not capturing an OS image with the specific application. Instead you're capturing a single legacy application and migrating the setup.exe to a Windows Installer package (MSI). With Repackager, you need to do the following:

1. Set up a clean machine (this essentially means a workstation with just the OS plus any service packs that will exist on the systems you will be deploying the application to ). This is your baseline.

2. AdminStudio includes a standalone, zero-footprint setup for Repackager, which can be found in the \Repackager directory, called Setup.exe. You can copy this to your clean system and install it to run Repackager standalone, instead of with the entire AdminStudio suite.

3. Start the Repackager and follow the instructions to either run Installation Monitor (recommended if you're targeting Windows XP or 2000) or Snapshot (if you're targeting other OS's).

Following the steps of the Repackaging Wizard, you will run the setup for the first application that you want to capture on the clean system. Ideally you will run the setup from a remote network location but this is not absolutely required.

You should only capture one application at a time and create an MSI from that. Creating nested installs (multiple applications) leads to potential issues that you want to avoid if you're just starting out.

Save the resulting files out to your production machine and you can then tweak as necessary.

This should get you started. Good luck! For further information, I recommend reading in the Help section: "Repackaging Legacy Setups" and all of the subsections there.

Also, we have an excellent book that will be extremely helpful in walking step by step through the process:
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks Allen for all your help, I upgraded to version 5.0 and was able to repackage Adobe Acrobat 5.0 but now I'm trying to figure out how to perform a silent install which so far I've yet to figure out. But thanks again for your assistance.

Once you have an MSI package, use the MSI command line to perform a silent install:

msiexec /i /qn

Here is the snippet from MSI help about /q option:

/q - n|b|r|f - Sets user interface level.

q , qn - No UI

qb - Basic UI . Use qb! to hide the Cancel button.

qr - Reduced UI with no modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.

qf - Full UI and any authored FatalError, UserExit, or Exit modal dialog boxes at the end.

qn+ - No UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.

qb+ - Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end. The modal box is not displayed if the user cancels the installation. Use qb+! or qb!+ to hide the Cancel button.

qb- - Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. Please note that /qb+- is not a supported UI level. Use qb-! or qb!- to hide the Cancel button.

This should help you with the silent install.