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Repacager with Admin Studio 5.5 not detecting merge modules correctly?

Hi all,

We've just upgraded from Admin Studio 3.5 to version 5.5. I have a new version of an application which we packaged many times previously. When I put it through the version 5.5 repackager it misses three merge modules that the version 3.5 repackager included, and as a consequence the resulting msi breaks the target system.

The files 5.5 decides to include in the [systemfolder] are:

and the Merge Modules it omits compared with 3.5 are:
MS Common Dialog Control 6.0
MS Flexgrid Control 6.0
MS Windows Common Controls (6.0)

Whilst to get this particular package out in a hurry (as always!) I can remove the individual files and include the merge modules manually, it scares the hell out of me to think that I may not be able to trust merge module detection in the new version.

Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Can anyone advise how exactly repackager decides whether or not to include a particular merge module and why 3.5 and 5.5 work differently?
Any thoughts on how I can ensure that 5.5 correctly detects these merge modules in future?

Thanks in Advance,
(3) Replies
We are having the same problem. Has this problem been resolved?
The files that have been captured have probably a different version then the msm ones. Repackager 5.5 needs matching versions to pick the msm and not the file.

You can't change this behaviour in Repackager (afaik), but there is an option in DevStudio which by default does no version checking.

I would say that deleting system files and adding them in your .ism is the workaround until we get an option in repackager. DevStudio should pick up all the MSMs automatically if you just drop the files in the Files view.

Sorry I was so remiss in posting this. The answer is to include a new line in the options.ini file for repackager. The line should read:


and it makes sense to stick it in immediately after the 'UseMergeModules=Y' line.

This is an undocumented option that turns off path & version checking when testing for merge modules. With this option set 5.5 acts in the same manner as 3.5.
