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Install warnings

I have an install that I am working and I am getting several of the following messages, does anyone know what I need to do with them?

*** Warning: Undefined CLSID '{000C1094-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}': no component exists for file '%SystemFolder%\msi.dll'. COM registry entries for CLSID '{000C1094-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' will remain in the Registry table because file '%SystemFolder%\msi.dll' was not listed in the .inc file list. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
*** Warning: Undefined CLSID '{00b7e0ab-817a-44ad-a04b-d1148d524136}': no component exists for file '[%SystemRoot]System32\msxml4.dll'. COM registry entries for CLSID '{00b7e0ab-817a-44ad-a04b-d1148d524136}' will remain in the Registry table because file '[%SystemRoot]System32\msxml4.dll' was not listed in the .inc file list. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
*** Warning: Undefined ProgID 'MSSMO.SoapHeaderParts': the CLSID '{2E900E10-97B2-41FB-9BF2-74DBBB607E78}' is undefined. This may result in ICE33 warnings.

As part of the install a couple of msi's in the package were installed - can that cause any problems with the packaging of this software?

(1) Reply
Microsoft Recommends that Windows Installer packages not be repackaged. You can use InstallShield Tuner to create transforms for them instead. The first CLSID mentioned can be excluded. This appears to be used by a the Windows Installer file msi.dll.
The second CLSID appears to be used by XML 4. You can select this merge module in the merge modules view and probably exclude that registry key from the project.
In general ICE33 warnings can be ignored. See installShield Knowledge base article Q106699 at .