I have an install that I am working and I am getting several of the following messages, does anyone know what I need to do with them?
*** Warning: Undefined CLSID '{000C1094-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}': no component exists for file '%SystemFolder%\msi.dll'. COM registry entries for CLSID '{000C1094-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' will remain in the Registry table because file '%SystemFolder%\msi.dll' was not listed in the .inc file list. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
*** Warning: Undefined CLSID '{00b7e0ab-817a-44ad-a04b-d1148d524136}': no component exists for file '[%SystemRoot]System32\msxml4.dll'. COM registry entries for CLSID '{00b7e0ab-817a-44ad-a04b-d1148d524136}' will remain in the Registry table because file '[%SystemRoot]System32\msxml4.dll' was not listed in the .inc file list. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
*** Warning: Undefined ProgID 'MSSMO.SoapHeaderParts': the CLSID '{2E900E10-97B2-41FB-9BF2-74DBBB607E78}' is undefined. This may result in ICE33 warnings.
As part of the install a couple of msi's in the package were installed - can that cause any problems with the packaging of this software?