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Conflict Solver

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I *must* be doing something dumb. I've just started using AdminStudio Professional 5.0 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get Conflict Solver to resolve conflicts.

Even if I follow the instructions in the documentation on how to resolve a conflict for a particular ACE, the "Resolve" and "Resolve All" buttons are *always* greyed out.

I'm working standalone, using a .MDB as my database, so it can't be a permissions problem. Can someone please help me to not feel so dumb ;^)
(6) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I believe that the basic misunderstanding here is that the ConflictSolver does not have automatic resolutions (CARD's) for every ACE. Some ACE's are considered warnings or otherwise require some user decision to determine an appropriate correction.

The Conflict view displays identified conflicts by category. If any conflicts in a given category are resolvable, then the 'Resolve All' button will be enabled. If the individual selected conflict is resolvable, then the 'Resolve' button will be enabled. The resolutions performed by the Conflict view only use the CARD's.

Allen Saxton
InstallShield AdminStudio Development

Even i am having the same problem . Actually as per the documentation given for only ACE02, ACE04, ACE05, ACE06, ACE07, ACE15, ACE18, ACE19, and ACE20 conflict solver has CARDS. I am getting out of all these the ACE02 and ACE05 conflicts .But still not able to see the resolve and resolve all buttons.

If any screen shots can be provided that wud be grt...

Allen is right--many of the ACEs don't have automatic resolutions. You can normally count on spending sometime manually resolving the conflicts (or ignoring them).

However Manoj's comment makes me nervous. Try a simple test. Create a dummy .msi package that has multiple binary files in a component--say notepad and calc. Run that through the ConflictSolver and see what happens. It should trigger a resolvable ACE05 conflict.
:)but the thing is I am getting ACE05 and ACE96 conflicts but still i am not able to see Resolve or Resolve button in the conflict view of the product tab.
AS both of these comes under automatic resovable conflicts the buttons should get enabled...any ideas..
i apologise...was not lookin at the complete page...resolve button is enabled when the ACE error is from the following list (ACE02, ACE04, ACE05, ACE06, ACE07, ACE15, ACE18, ACE19, and ACE20).
ACE96 is not resolvable. You'll need to select just the ACE05 error. Then the Resolve button should be enabled.