‎Jun 02, 2010 07:04 PM
‎Jun 03, 2010 11:39 AM
‎Jun 03, 2010 01:23 PM
‎Oct 09, 2013 06:15 AM
smantry wrote:
I have some .WXS file to virtualize. Is there any way where Admin Studio helps on get these files virtualized ?
‎Oct 09, 2013 04:59 PM
smantry wrote:
I have some .WXS file to virtualize. Is there any way where Admin Studio helps on get these files virtualized ?
‎Oct 09, 2013 05:05 PM
Evan Border wrote:
.WSX files are WIX (Windows Installer XML) project files. Do you have the .MSI's that build from them? If so then yes, AdminStudio can convert those .MSI's into virtual packages. If you use AdminStudio 2013, you can convert from .MSI to any of the following virtual formats:
Microsoft App-V 4.6 or 5
Citrix XenApp
Symantec SWV (formerly known as Altiris SVS)
VMware ThinApp
Also: if you have the .MSI's that were built from the .WSX project files, you can convert them into InstallShield project files (.ism files) by performing the following steps:
1. Launch the InstallShield Editor
2. Go to File menu > Open
3. On the Open dialog, change the Open As: drop down list from Auto to Wizard
4. Browse to your .MSI that you want to convert to .ISM
This displays the Open MSI/MSM Wizard
5. At the Welcome dialog, choose Convert MSI/MSM to an InstallShield Project
6. At the File Locations dialog, choose the desired name and location for storing your project and source files and click Finish.
‎Oct 10, 2013 07:23 AM
smantry wrote:
I donot have the MSI with me. Can you suggest how to proceed with the WXS files ?
I need to get these files virtualized.
BTW, it it possible to get these files converted to any other format which can be used to virtualize them ?
‎Oct 11, 2013 06:09 PM
Evan Border wrote:
I don't think there is any possible way to do what you're looking to do...it sounds to me like you have source code (.wsx files) but do not have the compiled output. There isn't any tool anywhere that can virtualize that. If you have the raw source files in addition to the source code (.wsx files), then you could use WIX to build the .MSI's. And you could then use AdminStudio to virtualize the .MSI's. But AdminStudio does not have any way of using .wsx files. If I'm understanding it properly, this situation is like the following analogy: It would be like making a film and wanting to convert it to Blu-ray, except you've lost the film and now only have the screenplay.
‎Oct 15, 2013 12:05 AM
smantry wrote:
Thanks, Evan.
Do you think we can change those XML manifest files to some installscript files and then use then as an input to Admin Studio for virtualization?
‎Oct 15, 2013 02:09 AM
smantry wrote:
Thanks, Evan.
Do you think we can change those XML manifest files to some installscript files and then use then as an input to Admin Studio for virtualization?
‎Oct 18, 2013 02:03 AM